Press Releases > View of Jehovah’s Witnesses about Sexual Child Abuse

View of Jehovah’s Witnesses about Sexual Child Abuse

November 2023

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not tolerate any form of child abuse. Child protection experts have confirmed that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a “child safe” organization and that their child protection policy and practices “reflect a strong commitment to the protection of children.” The child protection policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses meets or exceeds all legal requirements:

  • Elders will report an allegation of child abuse to the authorities whenever it appears that any child might be in danger of abuse. They will do so based on the allegation of one person only and regardless of whether the allegation involves a parent, a guardian, or anyone else.
  • Elders clearly inform the person making the allegation of their absolute right to also report the allegation to the authorities.
  • Victims and their families are offered pastoral support from the elders.
  • Parents of minor children are also warned by elders of anyone associated with the congregation who has sexually abused a child.

For more details, please see the full press release and policy document.