Expert Opinions > Expert Medical Opinions > Professor Emeritus José Manuel Revuelta

Professor Emeritus José Manuel Revuelta

Europe | Spain


“.. 25 years ago, we successfully launched a Cardiovascular Surgery program at the Valdecilla University Hospital (Santander) without using blood during cardiac and vascular operations or during the postoperative period.”

“What initially seemed to us a surgical inconvenience, which could increase the operative and postoperative risk, became a successful Bloodless Surgery Program, which we applied to the rest of the patients.

For decades, we have publicly expressed, in conferences, press articles and published books, our deep gratitude to the Religious Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses for their continued support in making our surgical results a success, with total patient survival.

What we initially understood as a challenge for our surgical specialty “Bloodless Surgery”, blossomed into progress for Cardiovascular Surgery to the benefit and survival of patients with the disease that causes the highest number of deaths in the world.

For all these reasons, as a professional in Cardiovascular Surgery with extensive experience in healthcare, teaching, research, and senior management positions, I recommend the instituting of Bloodless Surgery Programs.” (Original in Spanish.)