“… in the year 2000 … we had begun to examine the state of science (at that time) concerning the advantages and disadvantages of transfusion of blood products. It soon became clear that a transfusion was not without danger. …
In 2001 we eventually founded the Advanced Bloodless Centre.”
“In my experiences with Jehovah’s Witnesses, I can say with absolute certainty that they are partially at the foundation of the development of patient blood management programs around the world.”
“The cooperation with Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Hospital Liaison Committees has always been very constructive and has greatly influenced our way of transfusion-free medicine. This was certainly for the benefit of all patients. Apropos of that, several studies also show that by avoiding a transfusion, there are fewer complications such as infections, a shorter hospital stay is possible, and it has a financial advantage on hospital costs.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are generally healthy patients, since their religious beliefs prohibit smoking and alcohol abuse, and they are very grateful to the doctors and nurses who are willing to care for them. In general, these patients are well informed and this is certainly the merit of the hospital liaison committees. …” (Original in Dutch.)