Expert Opinions > Expert Medical Opinions > Dr Georgios Stavropoulos

Dr Georgios Stavropoulos

Europe | Greece


“I feel the need to contact you, to express my gratitude as a heath care worker, for giving me the opportunity to cooperate as an attending physician with patients of all ages and reap benefits, which do not involve only my development as a surgeon in the field of bloodless heart surgery, with impressive results, but also in the field of professional communication with patients during particular difficult circumstances in their lives …

Indeed, the calmness and politeness of these patients [Jehovah’s Witnesses] is impressive … Transmitting a feeling of optimism and trust towards the team of doctors and health care personnel. Of course, they are free from the harmful habits of smoking and alcohol abuse, they are informed about current heath matters of our time and consistently make sure to follow guidelines on preventing checkups.”

“Finally, I have the conviction that my adherence to bloodless surgery has made me a better surgeon and I am not referring only to the technical part–because heart transplants have been performed with this method– but also to the great importance of avoiding blood transfusions for the rapid and uncomplicated postoperative recovery of our patients, as well as its future great benefit concerning children and mothers!” (Original in Greek.)