Dr Anne Thoury

Europe | France


“I hereby certify that I have been treating Jehovah’s Witness patients for the past six years. I perform surgeries with a high bleeding risk (hysterectomy, ovarian cancer, polymyomectomy, etc.).”

“The HLC [Hospital Liaison Committee of Jehovah’s Witnesses] is pleasant and is not always present during patient consultations. In the event of a misunderstanding with a patient, the HLC can act as a mediator to reassure the patient and enable the procedure to be carried out under the best possible conditions. … Preoperative embolization, medical solutions before and during the operation, and hemostasis hysterectomy as an alternative to transfusion, are all issues addressed during the management phase.

As a result of all this pre-operative planning, carried out for Jehovahs Witnesses and extended to non-Jehovah’s Witnesses, I hardly ever give blood transfusions anymore.” (Original in French.)